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How much of my donation goes to the mission of Heartfelt?100% of your donation goes to our passion of support to grieving parents. Our organization is governed by a volunteer board and all events are staffed by volunteers. We have no paid employees.
How does Heartfelt assist extended family and friends of children who have died?While we have no group support meetings, our facilitators are available to visit, listen to their concerns, offer experience based information regarding the grieving process and recommend other services that may be available to them. Our resources are also a great starting point for support and comfort to anyone experiencing a loss.
Is there an age limit for a child to be honored at the Children's Memorial?There is no age limit, we believe that a child is always your child no matter their age. Children from miscarriage to adult loss may be honored and remembered at the memorial. The only requirement is having at least one living parent at the time of the child's death.
Is the Children's Memorial only for children from Seward Nebraska?There is no restriction regarding where the family has residence. Children from across Nebraska, as well as 8 other states and 1 foreign country are remembered at the Children's Memorial.
Can I add a symbol to my child's brick?No symbols are allowed, only text and numbers (i.e. dates or an athlete’s number). All verbiage must meet requirements set forth by Heartfelt and must be approved by the child's parents.
Can more than one child's name be on one brick?Yes, as long as the verbiage meets the 18 letter and space criteria.
What is the deadline for submitting a brick order request?We're happy to take brick requests anytime. However, if you would like your brick to be ready for the current year's Annual Remembrance Event, we must have all information by March 1st of each year. This ensures the brick will be etched and ready for May.
Can I specify on which wall I want my child's name etched?We do the best we can to accommodate requests, but it is not always possible.
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